Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Deep Breaths

Well, we slowed down a little this week, or maybe not seeing how I just looked up and it is Wednesday. If you could see my desk, you'd laugh. It is COVERED. The only brown I see is the area around my laptop. I think I might actually have time to sit down at it for an entire day (something I haven't been able to do since way before Christmas) in the next few days which means fan club packets will be going out, autograph request should get filled, some new video might crop up on, I might actually get to drink out of my awesome CTU mug (I'm a HUGE 24 fan!), and the 50 or so Meet and Greet requests can start being filled. If you have sent a meet and greet request to me and haven't heard back, do not fear. I've got them all in a folder and will start getting that whole thing sorted out. I like to do it all at the same time...make a database of each show, who's coming and get your passes all sorted out. I can't believe the tour is almost here!

Just a reminder that there is 2 days left in the album promo contest! If you've done anything to promote the album, don't forget to email me by the end of the day on Friday! Here's a little something for you to use to promote the album if you wish...I've got one of these in the signature of my emails. Feel free to add one to yours too! You can always email me if you need help doing that. Thanks to Dustin and Matt for the banners!


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