Friday, April 29, 2005



Well, I'm *sorta* on my way to Atlantic City to see Lee Ann tomorrow night. Some bad storms swept through here this afternoon and pushed everything back, causing me to miss my connecting flight in Raleigh. Now I'm just hanging out in the Nashville airport, using their way too expensive wireless internet, waiting for my alternate flight to leave. I'm taking my parents to the show tomorrow which should be fun. And one of my Dad's clients. I haven't taken my parents to a show in years and I think they are really looking forward to it. Last time I saw them, I caught my Mom listening to her iPod, singing something off of Some Things I Know.....loudly. She enjoys the LAW a bunch, and I'm glad I can take them to a show. It'll give me a chance to hang out with Courtney during the show since today is her birthday. If anyone wants to send her birthday greetings, you can do so over at the official message boards.

I'll *try* and blog a picture from the show, but my camera phone doesn't do well in bright lights. Maybe something during the meet and greet, which might consist of my Mom belting out "I Keep Forgetting" to LAW. Can I hide now?


At 4:01 AM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

Hope you made it, Alison. If so, how was the concert? :-)


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