Friday, May 20, 2005


I don't have much to say today, but I was scared if I didn't post, someone would find out where I lived and hunt me down over the weekend. I plan on doing *nothing* this weekend except going for walks and watching the arsenal of DVDs I've yet to watch (Team America, Seinfeld Season 4, The Works of Michel Gondry, What the &^#* Do We Know and The Office UK).

If you need me, I'll be in seclusion in the west wing. Have a good weekend everyone!


At 6:33 PM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

Alison, I hope you have a most relaxing and recharging weekend. You certainly deserve it from the week y'all must have just had.

I don't think Chris would have hunted you down, though. I think he's working on his ability to control his patience, heeheehee.

There's one thing I'd like to know about your state of being drained, though. I trust it has nothing to do with knowing negative inside information regarding our reason for being here? There's no reason whatsoever to share it here at all. I just wanted to mention that it may have come across that way.

BTW, some time this weekend I'll share some thoughts on what we all might do to help get Lee Ann's awesome song played. I wish it were foolproof ideas but they're only suggestions. More on that later. Have a great w/e.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger AG said...

"I trust it has nothing to do with knowing negative inside information regarding our reason for being here? There's no reason whatsoever to share it here at all. I just wanted to mention that it may have come across that way."

Color me confused? Not quite sure what that means.... :)

I haven't slept much this week (thanks to Star Wars!) and worked late last night so I'm bushed. It's 9pm! I should be in bed!


At 7:10 PM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

Sorry Alison, I was being a worrywort that you were down about something and that it might have been related to why we're here. I'm so glad it's not. :-D

Now, go get to sleep, you! Saw Star Wars tonight with the guys and we all enjoyed the heck out of it. We're watching episode 4 now as I type and we've discovered some major errors already. LOL....take care now.

Hey Chris, I see the great things you're doing on CMT and I'll join in ASAP. That's one of those places where I don't know my password from here. I'll get there, though, hopefully sooner than later. ;-)

At 4:46 AM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

Chris, well said on our support for Alison and LAW and even spreading the LAWVE. I'll get back to CMT soon.

The only OTHER thing that has me baffled is why there are any openings remaining for the fan party. I'd have thought they'd be long gone by now and didn't know if that was possibly causing some angst. I think too much sometimes. No, I guess I over-think too much sometimes. Anyway, ttyl.

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

That does make sense, Chris. I wish I had more time to delve into this more deeply but there's just too much going on today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. TTYS!

Here's one idea I have to promote HOKTBN. I dialed the phone to my local station and then politely asked my wife to request the song for me as a favor. I'll be turning the garden over later for that but it's worth it and I just love fresh vegetables anyway. lol

OK, so here's the kicker, though. After I got back in from mowing the lawn, I called the same station and talked about the song that just played and then what was on now, just to give the dj some indication that I was listening in the first place AFTER I got in from outside. THEN, I requested the song again and asked him to dedicate to my Desperate Housewife wannabe. :-D Does that angle do anything for anyone? The dj said I must have been outside mowing the lawn because he played it not too long ago. This in itself is an achievement because I've not heard it on this station before.

Summary thus far:
1. Help other people call and request the song.
2. Be knowledgeble of the station and what they're playing.
3. Tie it into something else that's HOT right now. Does that make sense?

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

Hey Chris, get me the info and I'll send stuff to that program director too. The more the merrier and the more effective too. If everyone doesn't mind doing something for me too, that would be great. WITL in Lansing, MI has played He Oughta Know That By Now and they have a request hour between 2 and 3 PM EST. Here's the phone # if y'all want to request it on Jordan's Happy Hour. 1-800-968-9485

Thanks so much. The more we work together, the better off we'll all be. So Chris, get me that info, Bro. ;-)

At 3:39 AM, Blogger Smartin271 said...

OK, I'll find it there.

I agree on your Sith rating too. I mean, it was OK but it wasn't great or anything. My boys and I still enjoyed pointing out the inconsistencies between 3 & 4, though. I know it's almost an impossibility not to have some after 30 years of elapsed time but the risk Lucas took in doing it the way he did can't be ignored either, IMO.

Anyway, my count for hearing He Oughta Know That By Now is still stuck at one, although I've been told that they're playing it???


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