Get Off Your Seat!
How awesome was that standing O for the LAW? Really fantastic. And the twin fiddles were to die for. Hope everyone enjoyed it. I'll do my best to get Lee Ann to write about her experiences at the show.
Well, it must be the year of Tim. Female Vocalist still to come....
Lee Ann was simply beautiful, and her voice just gorgeous. I hope I get this next part right and I mean it in the most sincere and endearing way possible, but I just LOVED the Tammy Wynette hair. Did you all think that too or was it just me?
Anyway, Darryl had it right on in describing how hot she is, but I guess thinking it in those terms just makes me uncomfortable anymore. I don't know, but I have so much respect for Lee Ann that her "hotness" just doesn't do justice in describing my respect for her.
Excuse me, but Gretchen Wilson? Puh-lease! *cough gasp wheeze* and I LIKE Gretchen Wilson, but to me now the award doesn't mean what it used to mean, sorry!
OK, back to Lee Ann....she is my most favorite artist ever now, barr none!
Let's not get to down, folks, and I know it's harder said than done, believe me I do. That last one just blew me away!
BUT, bring on the Grammy's, and I'm totally serious. They seem to reward the true talents. Is that not true to y'all too or not?
OK, you seem to be all taking this better than me so now y'all know I posted before reading, giggle. I've never been so proud to be associated with some of the most sincere and intelligent folks in all of my varied experiences. Can't wait for the fan party!
Re: Alison and Chris on Tim....'tis true.
Amen, Patricia, and I wasn't even looking for something like this at all. Lee Ann just grabbed it by the reins and earned it. Thanks to YOU, Lee Ann.
*BIG Smiles* Thanks to you guys for being here to share this with. Again, I'm deeply honored to be a small part of such a dedicated ... and let's not forget highly intelligent, *chuckle* group of people.
G'nite all, I'm plum tuckered out.
Chris, I was LMBO at your excitement. Yeah, so it reminded me of mine. ;-)
I know I've forgotten to address something I was going to but hopefully the first paragraph conveyed most of it I was trying to say.
See y'all tomorrow....
Where can I see the performance?? :)
- Matt
Lee Ann did an excellent job with her performance and looked GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!
I love Gretchen Wilson. She deserves Top New Artist but NOT Top Female Vocalist. I wasn't expecting her to win that award!!!!!!
Matt, I feel bad for you, chap. Wish I knew how you could get a viewing of your own but I'm absolutely clueless. Let us know if you get any opportunities to see it, though, because it was highly worth the time.
Argh! I love Australia but we never get these shows!! lol. Need to see her performance!!! :(
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