Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back!
Happy new year to everyone! I've been on what a friend of mine dubbed the "Alison Groves Farewell To 2006" tour around the country that saw me spending time in east Texas, Houston, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. But now I'm back in my office ready to rock what should be an awesome 2007!
I think the biggest story of '07 is going to be Lee Ann's new album. The last I heard, the album was slated for an "early '07" release, and I'm hoping that means sometime in February. I know you guys are anxiously awaiting for news, so as soon as I hear, you'll be the first to know.
I should have a few dates to let you guys know about soon too, but while you wait, check out the latest new music from Lee Ann, as she is featured on a tribute record for The Band doing their infamous hit The Weight. You can stream the song, and the rest of the album (be sure to check out the Death Cab For Cutie track, a LAW camp favorite) on the album's website. The album also has a MySpace profile if you'd like to add Lee Ann's version of The Weight to your MySpace profile. I think you'll love the song.
I've got quite a hefty amount of emails to sift though, so that's what I'll be doing this afternoon. Would love to hear from you guys and hear how your holidays were. I'm sure they were good!