Monday, February 28, 2005

We're Live!

Well, after a few hours of downtime, the new site is up and live! Hope everyone enjoys it! If you find anything that you can't see or is broken, just email me and we'll get right on it. Enjoy!

Hang tight folks! We're almost there....

New Site!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I had a much needed relaxing weekend just puttering around the house. Did anyone catch the Oscars? I watched a bit...was really pulling for Laura Linney and Kate Winslet, both who lost. But one of my new favorite top 5 movies of all time, Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind, won for best screenplay so that was exciting. If you haven't seen that, run out today and rent it!

I posted it all over, but we're putting up a brand spankin' new website today! For that to happen, the site has to come completely down for a few hours while the guys make the switch. But we should be back up and rockin' in a few hours, so stay tuned to us here for updates on that. I think you guys will really like the new site!

Stay tuned for updates!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Mail Call!

If you've emailed me in the past bit, do not fear....I'm going to spend this afternoon cleaning out my inbox (currently at 91 messages....from the past 3-4 days) and cleaning off my desk. Well, I hope to get to my desk anyway. And I think a TON of those emails might be from Lee Ann. We'll see when I get down to it.

Many people have learned as my life has gone on that the best way to communicate with me is through email. I don't like talking on the phone, and my computer is usually on durning my waking hours. I'm thinking of getting a Blackberry or other sort of portable email device. Then I seriously won't be taking phone calls. :)

Hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday. It is cold and gloomy here in Nashvegas. Hopefully that will change over the weekend. Anyone have big weekend plans?

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Deep Breaths

Well, we slowed down a little this week, or maybe not seeing how I just looked up and it is Wednesday. If you could see my desk, you'd laugh. It is COVERED. The only brown I see is the area around my laptop. I think I might actually have time to sit down at it for an entire day (something I haven't been able to do since way before Christmas) in the next few days which means fan club packets will be going out, autograph request should get filled, some new video might crop up on, I might actually get to drink out of my awesome CTU mug (I'm a HUGE 24 fan!), and the 50 or so Meet and Greet requests can start being filled. If you have sent a meet and greet request to me and haven't heard back, do not fear. I've got them all in a folder and will start getting that whole thing sorted out. I like to do it all at the same time...make a database of each show, who's coming and get your passes all sorted out. I can't believe the tour is almost here!

Just a reminder that there is 2 days left in the album promo contest! If you've done anything to promote the album, don't forget to email me by the end of the day on Friday! Here's a little something for you to use to promote the album if you wish...I've got one of these in the signature of my emails. Feel free to add one to yours too! You can always email me if you need help doing that. Thanks to Dustin and Matt for the banners!

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Lee Ann is a guest on Conan O'Brien tonight! I couldn't be more excited for her....Conan is my favorite late night show and always has the creme de la creme of musical guests. Night owls, be sure to catch it, and the rest of you early to bed folks like myself, there's always Thomas the TiVo or VCR. I believe Conan is on after Jay Leno on NBC.

I just want to send out a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who went out and bought Lee Ann's new album, There's More Where That Came From. She had the best first week of her career and it is all because of you guys! Did you do anything special to promote the album? Then be sure to enter the album promo contest! Details at

What's your favorite song on the new record? Mine is hands down "Painless". When she says "and said take that", don't you just feel it?

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Welcome to all the new readers who found out about this little site via the fan club newsletter! I hope you come often! I just wanted to make sure everyone remembers the album promo contest we've got going over at If you've done anything to promote the album, be sure to shoot me an email telling me what you have done to promote the new album by February 25. The winner of the contest is going to get some pretty amazing items!

I've got a touch of the flu/cold that I think I picked up from one of the kids at Anna's school through her, so this is going to be short for today. But I've got "One's A Couple" on the stereo right now and that is making me happy. Is this stuff country or what?!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Texas Our Texas

Howdy from my home state of Texas! I'm about to dash out of my hotel room to the bus, but wanted to answer a question I've been getting frequently about buying a vinyl copy of the record. If you are interested in buying a copy, an online store called Red Trumpet has copies for sale. You can get your's here. The vinyl makes great art for your wall!

I'll try and post a picture or two from my phone here tonight. Or maybe I can have the LAW leave another message. Stay tuned!

Monday, February 07, 2005

It's Finally Here!

The moment we've all be waiting for is finally here! Be sure to pick up your copy of Lee Ann's new album, There's More Where That Came From at your favorite record store.

I'm on my way out the door on the road with Lee Ann down to her show at Billy Bob's in Fort Worth. I'll do my best to blog a few pictures from the road. If you're coming to the show, be sure to look for me and say hello! I'll be running around the place with a big video camera.

Enjoy the new album everyone!