Friday, July 29, 2005

To You, The Faithful

You guys are so faithful, and I love you for it, but I think it is about time to expand the family a little bit. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get more people here everyday to spread the LAWVE? Best idea gets a little gift from yours truly....

P.S. - My new diary entry is up. I know I'm not the LAW, but I did my best anyway.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Young And Sweet

From the lack of comments here and on's message boards, I take it you guys haven't been frequenting the video section of You just might want to run on over there and check it out. There is new stuff up now, and tons more coming in the days to come. The latest video up is a personal favorite of mine. What do you think of it?

Also, I just reminded the LAW to write a new diary entry, and I think she's doing that now. She also wanted me to write one about my trip out, so be on the lookout for that too in the coming days!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Join Now!

Sorry I was a slacker on posting while on the road guys. We were actually pretty busy and time just flew by. I did shoot a lot of video for however, and that will all start cropping up in the next few days. I was also keeping a big journal for a special edition of the fan club newsletter. My road journal can only be found in the fan club newsletter so if you aren't a member of the fan club, visit the fan club section of and join now!

My computer is acting funny (I've got like 12 programs running) so I better reboot. He Oughta Know That By Now seems to be climbing up the charts! Have you requested it today?

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Long Road

Hello from the great state of New York (I think)! We're on the bus, somewhere, and I'm hoping that we get to the venue soon. We're hungry! If any of you are coming to the show tonight, we'll see you there!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

We're Podcasting!

this is an audio post - click to play
Here is the link ( to put into iTunes (make sure you upgrade to iTunes 4.9!). Once you are in iTunes, just got to "Advanced" then go to "subscribe to podcast" and you can copy and paste that link into the field. Then you'll be good to go! iTunes updates itself every time there is a new podcast that you've subscribed to and you can listen to, keep or delete at your leasure. Happy listening!

I hope to bring you guys tons of info from the road. If you are coming to the shows in Darien Lakes or Homdel, we'll see you there!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Radio Cure

[Ed note: I started writing this at 12:15 and now it is 5pm and I'm just sitting down to finish it. Talk about ADD!]

With the gracious help of Dustin, I put together a comprehensive database to help you find your local radio station contact information. Now everyone will be able to find their local station in one easy place. I hope it helps you guys...let me know if you have anything to add to it.

Looks like the LAW's computer is officially dead. Keep checking the diary section of for more info...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Love Thy Web has some webisodes featuring LAW up right now over in their featured video player. LAW is featured in both Webisode 5 and 7, and will also be in webisode 8 which will premiere on July 14. You fan club members out there will really enjoy webisode 7. Happy watching!

Speaking of watching....I'm about to upload a video to of antics from this weekend. Let's just say that LAW wasn't lying in her last diary entry....

Monday, July 11, 2005

Jealous Again

I just added a slew of fall dates to the calendar page on Most of the dates are out west, and now I'm totally jealous because who wouldn't want to spend September and October in California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington? Some girls have all the luck.

I'm on a massive Wilco kick this afternoon (if you like toe tappin', old school sounding country music, check out their track I Thought I Held You). What's gracing your iTunes today?

This Is Shooter's Tour!

So in LAW's latest diary entry, she claims that Shooter recommended Team America, World Police to her. I beg to differ LAW! Remember a little outing for my birthday this year (and if you haven't read LAW's diary account of my birthday last year, let's just say a certain country music superstar got carded, forgot her ID at home and wasn't allowed inside!) and I was going on and on to you about how much you should watch it? Oh how soon we forget! Maybe I need to change my name to "Shooter" and then you'll listen? I kid, I kid. I guess she must have "thrown down" one too many times and forgot. As much as I "threw down" the night of my birthday, I'm surprised I remember that little tidbit.

Speaking of Shooter, do we have any Happy Gilmore fans out there? I keep telling people that as soon as I go out on the road and start to "throw down", my favorite phrase is going to be, "THIS IS SHOOTER'S TOUR!" It's only a matter of time, really. Just a heads up folks.

It might be time to get really creative on how to let the world know how great LAW and He Oughta Know That By Now is. Any ideas?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Super Hero This!

That Lee Ann is a "blogging" (read: diary writin') fool! I call it blogging because blogging is a MUCH more hip word, and she must be as hip as possible. If you haven't read her latest ramblings, head on over to the diary section and check it out.

I wanted to have my own "songs to throw down to" list, but since I'm me, I'm gonna do them with a twist. Since my entire life is dictated by the search option in iTunes (I'll just pop in a word and any song containing that word pops up), and since we're sticking with the "Country Music Superheros" theme, I popped "super" into the search box. Here's the highlights....or songs to "throw dizown to"....

Ben Folds - Rent A Cop (from the Super D EP)
Dolly Parton - Jolene (from the album Dolly Parton: Super Hits)
Mogwai - Superheros of BMX
Oasis - Supersonic
Stevie Wonder - Superstition
Stone Temple Pilots - Silvergun Superman
Supergrass - Pumping On Your Stereo
The Verve - She's A Superstar
matt pond PA- Champagne Supernova

Those of you going to see the LAW in Cleveland, DC and Scranton this weekend, have a great time! To the rest of you, I'll be back with more Monday. Enjoy the heat everyone!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ok, Seriously....

First off, I want to send my condolences to those in London who were affected by the terrorist attacks today. I've been there many times, have friends there and hope everyone is ok. As someone who was living in NYC during 9/11, I can imagine that Londoners are having a hard time grasping what happened today. Please keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Once again, my inbox skyrockets into the triple digits. Maybe I need to attend some sort of inbox support group. Here's the method to my madness...since I have my fingers in so many cookie jars, my inbox is about the only unified thing I have to remind me of all of the things I have to do. A running to do list if you will. The problem is, I have a bad habit of not deleting emails after I've done a task. I'm an email packrat! I know I have some emails from a few of you, and I'm going to get to them today (hopefully!). If you don't get a prompt response from me on emails, that doesn't mean I'm not going to answer. You guys are my top priority....always remember that!

Have you heard He Oughta Know That By Now on the radio today?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

July, July!

I hope all of you out there had a safe and happy holiday weekend. I had a very busy weekend at home in Houston (aren't vacations supposed to be relaxing?!!) where we dashed around from function to function so much so that I'm only operating on 3 hours sleep today. If only it hadn't taken 2 hours to drive home from the fireworks show last night...

If any of you traveled over the weekend, did you hear He Oughta Know That By Now on the radio as you were passing through a city? Let us know!

One more thing before I dash...I hope you guys are keeping up with all the wild times at Lee Ann seems to be updating her diary every .5 seconds and I just tossed up a new video in the video section. Should I post my personal list of song to throw down to?

Friday, July 01, 2005

John Phillip Sousa

My brother was born on the 4th of July, so his middle name is Phillip. Clever eh? Happy 4th to everyone out there. Be safe, and enjoy the extra day off. Tuesday, it's right back into the swing of all things LAW!