I just got done opening a ton of mail, most of which is fan club renewals. Thanks so much for renewing, those of you who did! For those of you who aren't in the fan club, now is a great time to join! One of the questions I hear the most is, "How can I meet Lee Ann?". Well, the easy answer to that is, join the fan club! All fan club members are entitled to unlimited meet and greets during the year, so you not only could you meet Lee Ann, you could meet her as many times as you like! We're starting to get going on shows for 2005, so if you would like to join the fan club to have an opportunity to meet Lee Ann in the coming year, just mosey on over to
Lee Ann's Official Site, click on "fan club", fill out the applicaion, stick it in your mailbox and you're done! You'll recieve a welcome packet for me as well as newsletters throughout the year. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to
email me and I'll be happy to help out. After all, I'm here for you guys!
Hope everyone has a good weekend! I've got a ton of holiday shopping to do, and at some point I'll have to brave the crowds at Opry Mills to get all of my shopping done. One of these years I'm going to learn my lesson and buy all my gifts from Amazon. Any company that I can not only get all of my shopping done but they'll wrap it for me too (I'm quite possibly the worst gift wrapper on the planet) is my kind of place. Have a good one!